Senin, 27 Juli 2009

David Tennant finds out how to make John Barrowman faint...!

Seriously! You think AG's joking? Now, would I do that to you? Well ... not this time. Check this out...!

There you go ... and you thought I was joking? Sheesh.

More soon, guys, I promise. I've been working way too hard lately, and have been neglecting this blog, and my gay book blog, too. One of the things that's been taking time has been hanging out on the GLBT Bookshelf, too ... but who could resist that?! Have you see it yet? No? In that case, you need to find out what you're missing: GLBT Bookshelf -- go there now!

Rabu, 22 Juli 2009


The next big fashion show we will be part of is the yetty d will be at the distillers in smithfields which is literally right next to barbican station.. it will be real good if you all could come and support.. there will be some top designers there... COME AND SUPPORT FOR TICKETS CALL ME 07960336474..i have limited £10 pound tickets...

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

For the first time in several months, I actually have the time to post something here ... I can't believe all the great things I've had to let slide on by, because working doesn't leave any time for blogging. But this, I have to share with you. Dishy John Barrowman joins La Cage, right? And the result ...!

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

The summer release ( 3 weeks to go)

The summer release is almost out. The seven deadly sins.. Its gonna be a must have, I really cant wait to see the designs, only three weeks away. the pressure is building up but cant wait to finally unleash the seven deady sins to the world.. it is gonna be so so good!!!!